Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Internet Security

New Woman []
The computer stole my privacy!So much for technology making our lives easier, studies have shown we're actually spending more time at work and now our privacy is in danger, with reports of cyber stalking and identity theft at an all time high. This new form of 21st Century crime even prompted George Bush to sign a Cyber-stalking bill recently, making it a crime to be online 'with the intent to annoy'. Not that it's restricted to the virtual world. One poor New Woman staffer was shocked to discover while out on a romantic dinner, that a strange woman at a nearby table was trying to send messages to her boyfriend via the bluetooth on her mobile. Even more disturbing is the case of murdered Adelaide teen, Carly Ryan. Her body was found floating in shallow water at Port Elliot, and police quickly tracked her killers through her MySpace site. It appears the father and son pair had befriended Miss Ryan through the website and arranged a meeting before she dissappeared. Consider yourselves warned, ladies.

Hope this post works...VK

1 comment:

Mark Kasprzyk said...

Good story Vicky. It touches the raw nerve of internet security. I hope that our session last week on internet security has made you more aware of the risks and the effort required to operate a business on the web.

BTW - what is the source of your quote? Can you provide a link?