Mahesh Sharma | December 04, 2007 The Australian
BUSINESSES are discovering real-world things to do with Web 2.0 interactive technology, such as the virtual world, Second Life.
"...Westpac is assessing whether to use Second Life technology across its operations. About a month ago the bank finished testing Second Life for training induction....'We saw it as a way of getting information out without the flying, driving and time-consuming travel to a central location.'"
"... most of Deloitte's work in Web 2.0 involves Facebook, which it has been using for the past 18 months...Facebook took off through individuals and social networking at a rate we've never seen before because of digital media...Organisations can't stop it from happening, so it's more how to participate in this rather than how to control it...the value in social networking is using it to increase engagement with the 13,000 Deloitte employees that are members of Facebook globally."
"...wine producer DeBortoli ... is employing collaborative and web-based technology without specifically labelling these as web 2.0....We use hosted Google applications, online spreadsheets, online documents and email."
1. What are the benefits?
2. What is the link to marketing?
3. Is this just more hype?
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