Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, December 17, 2007:
AJAX, rich Internet UIs, mashups, communities, and user-generated content often add more complexity than they're worth. They also divert design resources and prove (once again) that what's hyped is rarely what's most profitable.
... dangerous for your profits, that is. If you focus on over-hyped technology developments, you risk diverting resources from the high-ROI design issues that really matter to your users — and to your profits.
This is the start of an interesting post from Jacob Nielsen, a leading expert in usability. He provides some sound advice on the use of Web 2.0 features in web sites and some warnings on overuse and losing sight of the purpose of the web site.Q1. How can social networking contribute to the "bottom line" of profitability?
Q2. Why is Facebook the "Iron Chef" of internet?
Q3. What is wrong with an "advertising funded model for business"?