Mobile phones and other mobile devices have the ability to determine the geographical position of the device at any time. As well, this position can be sent to somebody else via the internet. If this 'somebody' else is an advertiser or marketer then interesting opportunities for marketing arise.
February 21, 2011
The Age - Julian Lee
"The ability to combine a person's location at any given time with which websites or mobile applications they have visited on their smartphone's browser is opening a new world of possibilities for marketers. Within the next year, half the mobile phones in use will be smartphones such as Apple's iPhone or Samsung's Galaxy, embedded with technology that can pinpoint your position to within a metre."
The director of mobile advertising at Google, Michael Slinger, says: ''Location will be one of the cornerstones of mobile advertising. Merging local businesses with mobile [advertising] is very, very important for us.''
Q1. What are the privacy issues?
Q2. What value is geo-positioning to the consumer?
Q3. Describe one way a business could use geo-positioning for marketing.
Its a really great Blog. To be successful in affiliate marketing business is not an easy task and it will never happen overnight. Bear in mind that three or four affiliated links in your site are enough, depending on the size of the web page.
Affiliate marketing
The privacy issue is that businesses can track you anywhere at any time. Though knowing where you live is crossing the boundary. It’s okay for google maps but an advertiser , that’s just bordering on stalking. As the article suggests if you value your privacy go back to the old phones or ditch the smartphone. In this day and age I don’t believe that people are too concerned about their privacy especially the younger generations (Y, Z & I) who are our future, with social networking programs people are happy to share information about themselves even to the point of hoping to become stars e.g. Justin Beiber! To be honest, as a generation X person, I welcome this new way of advertising it will be the way of the future. That’s if it’s not abused. There is nothing worse when you are in unfamiliar territory and you’re just about to run out of petrol. With an iPhone app it can tell you in which direction and how far away you are from a station. Also it would be great for consumers who need to pick up something on the way home by having targeted advertising. It cuts out the stress of having to figure out where you should go. This type of advertising would make life much easier. For businesses this is fantastic news this is a step up from e-marketing where businesses can do real-time analysis of buyer behavior, making the company respond immediately, they’ll know exactly who their competitors are and establish market leaders. Great for Market research companies! This would especially be great to implement into a customer loyalty program. Just some grand ideas!
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