Thursday, March 04, 2010

The Great Firewall of China vs. Internet Filtering

The position of the Chinese government on controlling the content and access to the internet has been in the news for quite a while. This has raised the issue of Google 'voluntarily' filtering search results, Yahoo providing blogger identities and monitoring of dissidents. Below is a link to a video from the ABC's Hungry Beast program from 03/03/10:

In Australia the government is also concerned with 'illegal' content being accessible on the web. Hungry Beast has a video that explains how this works and puts a particular point of view.

Please note that both videos are 'Hungry Beast' points of view and may represent partisan interests.

Q1. How different are the approaches to internet 'control' between the Chinese and Australian Governments.
Q2. What are the implications for legitimate commercial activity on the internet in either
Q3. What can marketers do in dealing with these internet restrictions?

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