Monday, May 12, 2008

Marketing Gurus on the Web

The internet offers lots of opportunities for 'experts' to express themselves and provide information. Blogs are an easy way to propagate information and build a presence on the web. The authority and accuracy of this information is an issue.

An example is the marketing blog of Mike Moran, Internet and Search Marketing. Mike describes himself:

" Mike is an expert in search marketing, search technology, publishing, Web personalization, and Web metrics, who regularly makes speaking appearances. Mike's previous appearances include Search Engine Strategies, AD:TECH, Consumer Reports WebWatch, OMMA East, and the Enterprise Search Summit. Mike also writes the Biznology newsletter and blog is the co-author of the best-selling Search Engine Marketing, Inc., and writes the search marketing column for Revenue Magazine."

Mike also is an author and promotes his books on his blog as well as being a marketing consultant, speaker for hire, newsletter publisher, blogger and columnist. Mike does offer some professional advice, gratis, on his blog. Some good links are:

Internet Marketing Resources (links)

Marketing Case Studies

An interesting case study is Social Media Marketing, a downloadable, 9 page document.

Q1. How does Mike make money?
Q2. How does Mike use the internet to help him make money?
Q3. How does Mike use social networking?

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