The internet offers lots of opportunities for 'experts' to express themselves and provide information. Blogs are an easy way to propagate information and build a presence on the web. The authority and accuracy of this information is an issue.
An example is the marketing blog of Mike Moran, Internet and Search Marketing. Mike describes himself:
" Mike is an expert in search marketing, search technology, publishing, Web personalization, and Web metrics, who regularly makes speaking appearances. Mike's previous appearances include Search Engine Strategies, AD:TECH, Consumer Reports WebWatch, OMMA East, and the Enterprise Search Summit. Mike also writes the Biznology newsletter and blog is the co-author of the best-selling Search Engine Marketing, Inc., and writes the search marketing column for Revenue Magazine."
Mike also is an author and promotes his books on his blog as well as being a marketing consultant, speaker for hire, newsletter publisher, blogger and columnist. Mike does offer some professional advice, gratis, on his blog. Some good links are:
Internet Marketing Resources (links)
Marketing Case Studies
An interesting case study is Social Media Marketing, a downloadable, 9 page document.
Q1. How does Mike make money?
Q2. How does Mike use the internet to help him make money?
Q3. How does Mike use social networking?