There is a Second Life Wiki (if you don't know what a Wiki is, this is a good time to find out) that provides a lot of information about Second Life:
On this wiki there is a Marketing page:
This page has a wide range of information both about the marketing of SL and marketing within SL. One of the resources is a PowerPoint presentation on business in SL. It is best viewed as slide notes as the slides themselves are not very informative. There is a pdf version as well, but get the notes document as well as the presentation:
"An introduction to Second Life for those interested in bringing external business into Second Life. Includes history, core principles, uses of Second Life for the business community, and how to enter Second Life (includes notes)"
Q1. Why is ownership of intellectual property important?
Q2. What are the opportunities for market research?
Q3. What are the limitations for marketing in SL?
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