Web 2.0 - The Participatory Web
Communication is two way. If it is only one way it is very limited. To be able to respond, to reply to modify and interact is very powerful communication. In marketing, knowing your target market is critical. Being able to interact with your target market opens up all sorts of possibilities. The ultimate marketing ideal is to have consumers design their own products and define the services that they want. To be able to deliver a marketing strategy that connects so closely with the consumer is a challenge!
Please read the following article:
Harnessing the wisdom the crowd - The Age Feb. 20 2007
http://www.theage.com.au/news/biztech/harnessing-the-wisdom-the-crowd/2007/02/19/1171733683966.html?page=fullpage#contentSwap21. Is 'crowdsourcing' exploitation or a brilliant use of the interne
2. Digg, Technorati and del.icio.us are examples of social networking. What do they have in common?
3. What marketing potential or value does social networking have?
4. What are some other well known examples of social networking web sites?
I thoroughly enjoyed the article on crowd searching! I wasn't even aware this existed? Where have i been? I suppose i've been too busy networking face to face... so yesterday by the looks of things...
As a graphic designer by trade, crowd seaching is a phenominal tool for up and coming designers wanting to be seen, create a folio piece in the interim and maybe even win a few dollars!A win win situtation! A fantastic way to get yourself out there! I may even enter a competition myself! If i win, i will shout the class a beer! This has potential to be applied to so many industries- not for profit immediately comes to mind.
Not related to this article but thought it be best to post on the most recent article.
check out this link - was in the news.
Blogger jailed for insulting Islam
You beat me to the punch with the jailed Blogger article. It should be a new post as it is relevant to next week's topic that covers Global Marketing, not to mention the Legal issues topic.
Can you create a new post and inspire the class to comment please?
I like Josephine have never herd of crowdsouring, what a fantastic idea! Whilst this is a great way for designers to be discovered, I can see the potential for many other industries such as flim makers, writers, architects etc. I'm sure the many entries from around the world would be so diverse, it would be such a fantastic source of work.
I don’t think crowdsourcing is exploitation, as users are uploading there own work by choice. Its more about sharing and learning from others.
I too wasn't aware of 'crowd sourcing'. What a great way to discover talent and build global awareness of your brand/company through a competition.
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